Birds of the Mid-Columbia Refuge Complex
Here are birds that are common in the complex depending on the time of the year. Look through these before you head out to a refuge to help you Identify. Link to this page when you are at a refuge to look up a bird or when you return, use this page to find out more about what you found.
We will continue to grow this page over time to include more and more of the birds.
To see the birds that have been identified by time of year and recorded in the eBird database for McNary click here, for Umatilla Refuge click here and for Conboy Lake Refuge click here.
Questions about birds!
We will continue to grow this page over time to include more and more of the birds.
To see the birds that have been identified by time of year and recorded in the eBird database for McNary click here, for Umatilla Refuge click here and for Conboy Lake Refuge click here.
Questions about birds!
Yellow-breasted Chat
Though widespread, Yellow-breasted Chats can be hard to find, thanks to their habit of skulking in dense thickets.
Lazuli Bunting
During the breeding season, a walk along a trail or road through brushy hillsides and chaparral might lead you to a Lazuli Bunting.
During the breeding season, a walk along a trail or road through brushy hillsides and chaparral might lead you to a Lazuli Bunting.
Western Screech Owl
During daytime they are hard to spot, but they may become the targets of small songbirds that form mobbing groups to get the owl to move away. If you hear a commotion made by chickadees, nuthatches, and other small birds, it’s worth taking a careful look for an owl or hawk hidden nearby.
During daytime they are hard to spot, but they may become the targets of small songbirds that form mobbing groups to get the owl to move away. If you hear a commotion made by chickadees, nuthatches, and other small birds, it’s worth taking a careful look for an owl or hawk hidden nearby.
Long-billed Dowitcher
Breeds in Arctic tundra; migrates and winters in a variety of wetland habitats, especially shallow marshy pools. |
Pictures by Larry Umthun unless otherwise noted